Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I needed a space.

A space to rant out my thoughts and feelings. And then I remembered about my blog. Hah.

Its been going on for awhile now. I told myself not to go too far. I didnt want to have any feelings or get too attached to people, specifically you.

But as time goes by, after knowing you too well - in and out, I knew it was game over for me. Despite knowing that you're too 'bad' for me... I fell. Hard. Right now, I am just so confused. Should i continue on? Or should I slowly fade away?

Giving me.mixed signals isn't going to help me.

So should I get this.over and done with? To.prevent myself from getting hurt? And move on?

I.hope I get.an answer and make a move on my.own by the time I get to write for the next post.

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